Sunday, July 17, 2022

Autel IM608 vs Ultra Diagnostic Coverage

Question: If anyone can tell me if diagnostic coverage is same for autel im608 and ultra

 Ultra/Ultra lite supports Mclarn and Tesla diagnosis. IM608 does not.  Also the ultra has the ability to alter Bmw service history on the I drive.

Ultra supports latest D-PDU and DoIP CAN FD protocol, IM608 does not,m you will need IM608 II or IM608 Pro II.

The Benz and BMW Cloud based programming is not part of the IM608 functions. Only tools with it are: Elite, Ultra, MS909, MS919, MS908P, MS908SP, MK908P. They are different in many ways primarily im608 does not do scn coding. No ECU Programming with IM608 you’ll need Elite, MS909, MS919 or Ultra for that. Ultra can do Mertcedes SCN coding and BMW programming not just encoding.

The jcvi on ultra has an Ethernet plug on it and does much more programming because of it autel charges $999 for the ultra jcvi I asked autel this exact question they wouldn’t say yes but wouldn’t say no either they said maybe meaning yes it can do it but we prefer you buy both im608 and ultra.
They restrict 608 only with hardware needed to do the job alone the software is the same but you need the right type of jcvi for some programming
which jcvi works with 608 and is better than the one that comes with 608 ?
The ultra jcvi it’s silver and has an Ethernet port on the back.
The one the comes with 608 is blue and mucho weaker and cannot do the heavy programming portion of the one with Ethernet the one that is silver is $999 from autel
autel software is the same across all platforms it just requires different pieces to do different shit I never got the ultra jcvi I thought about it but honestly there’s better jcvi for that than autel cardaq3 is a good one there’s a number of different ones.

Ultra and Ultra lite supports Benz online programming, BMW online programming, BMW and BMW, Audi Porsche VW online coding, VAG guided function, Malcaern, Tesla diagnostic.

As in Ultra vs IM608? If so then NO. Different tools for different requirements. MaxiIM is a key tool with standard diagnostics – Ultra is an advanced Scantool with MB/BMW ECU Programming including a 4 channel scope.

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